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`define(['ko', './Template'],
function(ko, Template){`

pushHandler = (event) ->
    element = event.target
    href = element.get 'href'
    History.pushState null, null, href

ko.bindingHandlers.pushState =
    init: (element, valueAccessor) ->
        element.addEvent 'click', pushHandler
        ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback element, ->
            element.removeEvent 'click', pushHandler

ko.bindingHandlers.editable =
    init: (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) ->

get the options that were passed in

        options = allBindingsAccessor().jeditableOptions or {}

"submit" should be the default onblur action like regular ko controls

        if !options.onblur
            options.onblur = 'submit';

set the value on submit and pass the editable the options

        editFn = ->
            element.contentEditable = true
        blurFn = ->
            valueAccessor() element.get('text')
            element.contentEditable = false

            click: editFn
            blur: blurFn

        ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback element, ->
                click: editFn
                blur: blurFn

update the control when the view model changes

     update: (element, valueAccessor) ->
         value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable valueAccessor()
         $(element).set 'html', value

Helper to allow multiple ViewModels in same html template

ko.bindingHandlers.stopBinding =
    init: ->
        return controlsDescendantBindings: true
ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings.stopBinding = true

ViewModel = new Class
    Implements: [Options, Events, Template]


If specified then will render dust template

        template: null

    init: ->

Define the properties of the ViewModel here. Functions can be put directly on the class but properties can't be on the prototype so must go here. It will also group them in one place.

    properties: ->

    initialize: (@element, options) ->
        @setOptions options
        if @options.template
            el = @renderTemplate @options.template
            @element.adopt el
        return this

    computed: (fn, bind) ->
        ko.computed fn, bind

    observable: (value) ->
        ko.observable value

    observableArray: (value=[]) ->
        ko.observableArray value

    applyBindings: ->
        ko.applyBindings this, @element

    destroy: ->
        ko.cleanNode @element

return ViewModel


generated Mon Apr 29 2013 00:07:48 GMT+0100 (BST)