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Provides an interface to the resource api on the server via AJAX

`define(['Q', './Events'], function(Q, Events){`

Api = new Class
    Implements: [Events]

Model api

To perform api calls, the Model class will call this method and pass simply the operation being performed and any paramteres as needed. The Collection class also uses the list operation to fetch multiple models from the api.

Default Operations

  • Create - api('create', modelData)
    • POST to /url
  • Read - api('read', queryFilters)
    • GET from /url/id
  • Update - api('update', updatedModelData)
    • PUT to /url/id
  • Delete - api('delete')
    • DELETE to /url/id
  • List - api('list', queryFilters)
    • GET from /url/

Can also be used for generic actions on models

  • 'someAction' - api('someAction', paramaters)
    • POST to '/url/id/someAction'

Handling Operation Completion

To signal when the operation is complete you have a choice of using events or using the returned promise.

  • Events

    Events are fired when during the various stages of the api request. They will be prefixed by the api operation or options.eventName if it's been passed in.

    • operationStart - e.g. readStart

      This is fired when the request has been started

    • operationComplete - e.g. createComplete

      This is fired when the request has been completeted, and before the success/failure events

    • operationSuccess(data) - e.g. updateSuccess

      This is fired when the actual request has succeeded and isSuccess returns true to indicate operation success. The parsed data as returned by parseResponse is passed through as the first parameter.

    • operationFailure(reason) - e.g. deleteFailure

      This is fired when the request itself has failed or isSuccess has inidicated failure. In the case of isSuccess failing then the failure reason as returned by parseFailResponse

  • Promises

    Rather than using callbacks the request uses Q.js to return a promise. See the docs on Q.js

    To be notified when the promise is fulfilled, i.e. the request has finished in some way, then you can do the following:

    promise = model.api(operation)
    promise.then (data) ->
        # Some success code
    , (reason) ->
        # Some code to handle the failure
    api: (operation, data={}, options={}) ->
        deferred = Q.defer()

        method = @_getRequestMethod operation
        sendDataAsJson = @_sendDataAsJson operation

        fail = (reason=null) =>
            deferred.reject reason
            fireEvent "failure", [reason]

        fireEvent = (event, args) =>
            eventName = "#{options.eventName or operation}#{event.capitalize()}"
            @fireEvent eventName, args unless options.silent

        if sendDataAsJson
            requestData = JSON.encode data
            urlEncoded = false
            headers = {
                'Content-type': 'application/json'
            requestData = data
            urlEncoded = true
            headers = {}

        new Request.JSON
            url: @_getUrl operation
            method: method
            headers: headers
            data: requestData
            urlEncoded: urlEncoded

            onRequest: => fireEvent "start"
            onComplete: => fireEvent "complete"
            onFailure: (xhr) => fail()
            onSuccess: (response) =>
                if @isSuccess response
                    data = @parseResponse response
                    deferred.resolve data
                    fireEvent "success", [data]
                    reason = @parseFailResponse response
                    fail reason

        return deferred.promise

Response parsing

If the request itself has succeeded then this function is called with the response to determine if the operation has indeed succeeded.

    isSuccess: (response) ->
        response.success is true

If the operation has succeeded then this is called to extract the data returned in the response

    parseResponse: (response) ->

If the operation has failed then this is called to extract the reason

    parseFailResponse: (response) ->

Determining the correct URL

This determines the correct URL for the given operation. The base URL is expected either be @url in the class or in @collection.url if the model is part of a collection.

For the various operations the url will be

  • create: url
  • read: url/id
  • update: url/id
  • delete: url/id
  • list: url

For unknown actions the url will default to

  • url/id/<action>
    _getUrl: (operation) ->
        url = @url
        if not url? and @collection?
            url = @collection.url
        if not url?
            throw new Error "No url can be found"

        def = _methodDefinitions[operation]
        if def
            urlScheme = _urlSchemes[def.scheme]
            urlScheme = _urlSchemes.method

        operationUrl = urlScheme.substitute
            baseUrl: url
            id: @id
            method: operation

        return operationUrl

    _getRequestMethod: (operation) ->
        def = _methodDefinitions[operation]
        if def?

    _sendDataAsJson: (operation) ->
        def = _methodDefinitions[operation]
        if def?
            def.json or false

_urlSchemes =
    file: "{baseUrl}"
    directory: "{baseUrl}/"
    id: "{baseUrl}/{id}"
    method: "{baseUrl}/{id}/{method}"

Defines what urlschemes and request methods to use for each method.

_methodDefinitions =
        method: 'post'
        scheme: 'file'
        json: true
        method: 'get'
        scheme: 'id'
        method: 'put'
        scheme: 'id'
        json: true
        method: 'delete'
        scheme: 'id'
        method: 'get'
        scheme: 'directory'

return Api

generated Mon Apr 29 2013 00:07:46 GMT+0100 (BST)