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Provides a simple collection class, which can be used to handle retrieval and management of sets of Models

define ['require', './Api', './Events'], (require, Api, Events) -> \

new Class

Extends the native javascript Array object so we get all the methods of this class as well as the Mootools extensions.

    Extends: Array

Uses Api for collection retrieval

    Implements: [Options, Events, Api]

    options: {}

If using a custom Model then it needs to set here, as this class will be used to create new instances after calling fetch model: Model

If using default Api class then you must set the URL here

    url: null

Using the Collection class

You can initialise the collection with a set of existing models, e.g. if you bootstrap.

If you want to set @url or @model on init then these can be passed in as options

    initialize: (models=[], options={}) ->
        if options.parentModel?
            @parentModel =
                id: options.parentModel.id
                klass: options.parentModel.constructor

Can't store actual instance otherwise browswers crash in some instances presumabley down to a circular reference

            delete options.parentModel

        for key in ['model', 'url', 'sortField']
            if options[key]?
                @[key] = options[key]
                delete options[key]
        @setOptions options

        if not @model
            @model = require 'bags/Model'

        @add models, silent: true

Collection retrieval

The actual collection api has been abstracted out to Api which should be read to learn about the various events fired during each operation and as well as how to handle to returned promise.

Use this method to fetch a collectin of models from the server.

By default this will replace the current collection with the retrieved collection by calling @reset.

If you wish to add to the collection rather than replace it then set options.add=true and @add will be called instead

    fetch: (filter={}, options={}) ->
        promise = @api 'list', filter
        promise.then (models) =>
            if options.add
                @add models, options
                @reset models, options
            @fireEvent 'fetch', [true] unless options.silent
            return this

This will replace the current collection with the models that are passed in, and fires a reset event at the end.

If you call this without any options it will just empty the collection.

    reset: (models, options={}) ->
        @_remove model, options while model = @pop()
        @add models, silent: true if models?
        @fireEvent 'reset', [@] unless options.silent

Call to add a model or an array of models to the collection Fires an add(model) event

    add: (model, options={}) ->
        if not @model? then throw new Error "Model not defined for collection"

        if typeOf(model) == 'array'
            added = @_add(m, options) for m in model
            added = @_add model, options

        @sortBy @sortField, silent: true if @sortField?

        unless options.silent
            @fireEvent 'add', [model] for model in Array.from added

    _add: (model, options={}) ->
        model = @_makeModel model
        @push model

Provides a shortcut to create a new model in the collection

    create: (attributes, options={}) ->
        model = @_makeModel attributes
        @add model, options
        return model

Get model with field matching value

    get: (field, value) ->
        for obj in this
            return obj if obj.get(field) == value

Sorts the collection like a normal array but also fires a sort event

    sort: (comparator=@comparator, options={}) ->
        @parent comparator
        @fireEvent 'sort' unless options.silent

    _parseSort: (field) ->
        if field.substr(0,1) is '-'
            [field.substr(1), true]
            [field, false]

    sortBy: (field, options) ->
        [field, descending] = @_parseSort(field)

        @sort (a, b ) ->
            if descending
                bVal = a.get field
                aVal = b.get field
                aVal = a.get field
                bVal = b.get field
            type = typeOf aVal
            if type == 'number'
                aVal - bVal
            else if type == 'string'
                aVal.toLowerCase().localeCompare bVal.toLowerCase()
            else if type == 'date'
                bVal.diff aVal, 'ms'
        , options

    sortField: null

Set this to define a custom comparator for the sort function

    comparator: (a, b) ->
        return a - b

Returns a JSON ready representation of the Collection. See Model for more information.

    toJSON: ->
        @invoke 'toJSON'

Private methods

    _makeModel: (model) ->
        if not instanceOf model, @model
            model = new @model model, collection: this
        else if not model.collection?
            model.collection = this
            any: =>
                 @_modelEvent model, arguments
            destroy: =>
                index = @indexOf model
                @erase model
                @fireEvent 'remove', [model, index]

    _modelEvent: (model, args) ->
        @fireEvent args[0], [model, args[1]]

    _remove: (model, options={}) ->
        model.removeEvents 'any'
        model.removeEvents 'destroy'
        @erase model
        @fireEvent 'remove', [model] unless options.silent

    isCollection: true

generated Mon Apr 29 2013 00:07:46 GMT+0100 (BST)