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Provides a simple view class. Implements Template for template rendering and event delegation.

define ['./Template', './Events'], (Template, Events) -> \

new Class
    Implements: [Options, Events, Template]
    Binds: ['destroy']

Dust.js template name to be used for rendering this view

    template: null

Define events for delegation here, of the type below. See Template.delegateEvents for more info.

"eventType:cssSelector": "functionName"
    events: {}

Reference to the rendered view element

    el: null

Model can be passed in to provide the template with data. If so we'll listen to the destroy event and destroy this view if the model is ever removed.

    model: null

Use this object to store for the template, which can be used as well as a model

    data: {}

Define parser funcions to create dynamic template fields or alter existing mode/data attributes for template display only

    parsers: {}

If injectTo specified then rendered view will be injected into this element

        injectTo: null
        autoDestroyModel: false

On class initialisation any dust templates present will be loaded, the view will be rendered and injected into the passed in container if specified. Rendering also causes events to be delegated.

model and el can be passed in as options, which are then reassigned to the object root. If el is specified then this element itself will be the view.

    initialize: (options={}) ->
        for key in ['model', 'el']
            if options[key]?
                @[key] = options[key]
                delete options[key]
        @setOptions options
        if @model? and @options.autoDestroyModel
            @model.addEvent 'destroy', @destroy
        @render options.data, silent: true
        if @options.injectTo?
            @inject @options.injectTo

Renders the view, if already rendered then replaces the current element whilst keeping the @el reference current.

  • Refs within the template are stored as @refs, see Template.getRefs

  • @events are delegated

  • If the view is currently within the dom then a domupdated event is fired on document

    render: (data={}, options={}) ->
        el = @_render data
        el.store 'view', @

        if not @el?
            @el = el
            @_replaceCurrentEl el

        @refs = @getRefs el
        @delegateEvents @el, @events

        container = Array.from(el)[0].getParent()
        @_checkDomUpdate container

        @fireEvent 'render' unless options.silent

When rendering a model this is called to get a representation suitable for passing into the template. By default this calls model.toJSON but can be overridden.

    parseForDisplay: (model) ->

Use to rerender a template partially, can be used to preserve visual state within the template. Doesn't alter events as assumed to be run on a child node.

refs can either be one ref or an array of many, for instance if we called rerender(['ref1', 'ref2']) then re-rendering will be as such:

    <div class="body">
        <ul ref="ref1">
        // this will be rerendered //
            <div ref="ref2">
            // this will be rerendered //
  • Refs within the rerendered nodes are merged into the @refs so that they are updated without disturbing the other refs

  • If within the dom then domupdated is still fired on document

    rerender: (refs, data={}, options={}) ->
        el = @_render data
        Array.from(refs).each (ref) =>
            replaceThis = @refs[ref]
            if not replaceThis
                throw "Cannot find ref #{ref} in template #{@template}"
            newEl = @getRefs(el)[ref]
            Object.merge @refs, @getRefs(newEl)
            @refs[ref].replaces replaceThis

            @_checkDomUpdate newEl.getParent()

        @fireEvent 'rerender' unless options.silent

We have an inject method here so that we can fire domupdated on document if necessary.

    inject: (container, el=@el) ->
        el.inject container
        @_checkDomUpdate container

    getElement: -> @el.getElement.apply @el, arguments
    getElements: -> @el.getElements.apply @el, arguments

    getViews: (el) ->
        els = el.getChildren()

    reorderViews: (collection, rootEl) ->
        views = @getViews rootEl
        for view in views

            dummy = new Element 'div'
            current = $(view)
            desiredIndex = collection.indexOf view.model
            swap = rootEl.getChildren()[desiredIndex]

            dummy.inject current, 'before'
            current.inject swap, 'before'
            swap.inject dummy, 'before'

Very handy method for emptying an element and killing all the views inside it by calling their destroy methods

    destroyViews: (el) ->
        views = @getViews(el)
        return if views is null
        views.invoke 'destroy'

    destroy: ->
        if @model? and @options.autoDestroyModel
            @model.removeEvent 'destroy', @destroy
        @el.eliminate 'view'

    toElement: -> @el

Private methods

Replaces the elements in @el with the elements in el, being careful to update the references and iterate through array if needed.

    _replaceCurrentEl: (el) ->
        if not instanceOf el, Array
            @el = el.replaces @el
            @el.each (currentEl, idx) =>
                @el[idx] = el[idx].replaces currentEl

    _render: (data={}) ->
        data = @_getTemplateData data
        el = @renderTemplate @template, data

    _getTemplateData: (data={}) ->
        data = Object.merge @data, data
        if @model?
            data = Object.merge {}, @parseForDisplay(@model), data
        for fieldName, parser of @parsers
            data[fieldName] = parser.call this, data

Recurse back through an elements parents to determine whether it is within the DOM or not, if so fire domupdated on document

    _checkDomUpdate: (container) ->
        inDom = false
        parent = container
        if parent == document.body
            inDom = true
        while parent = $(parent).getParent()
            inDom = true if parent == document.body
        if inDom
            document.fireEvent 'domupdated', [container]

generated Mon Apr 29 2013 00:07:48 GMT+0100 (BST)